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Assessment of Association of person(AOP) and Body of Individual(BOI) under income Tax

Assessment of AOP/BOI 1.   As per section 40(ba), while computing the income of AOP/BOI under the PGBP, any interest, salary, bonus, commission or remuneration by whatever name called, paid by such Association or body to a member thereof, shall not be allowed as deduction. 2.   However, while disallowing such interest paid, if any interest is … Read more

Difference Between Provision and Liability

  Provision and liability are two accounting concepts that represent different aspects of financial obligations or potential expenses for a business. Followings are differences between provision and liability: Provision: As per Ind AS 37,  provision is a liability of uncertain timing or amount.  In simple words  provision is an estimated liability or expense that is … Read more

Difference between Revenue and capital expenditure

Organization may incur two different sorts of expenses: revenue expenditure and capital expenditure. Their nature and effect on the financial accounts are where they differ most from one another. An explanation of each follows: Revenue Expenditure: Revenue expenditure refers to expenses incurred by a business that are related to its day-to-day operations and are consumed … Read more

Section-14A: Expenditure in relation to Exempt income not deductible under income tax

  While computing total income under the Act, no deduction shall be allowed in respect of expenditure incurred by the assessee in relation to exempt income (i.e. income which does not form part of the Total income). Calculation of expenditure to be disallowed    AO is empowered to determine the amount of expenditure incurred in … Read more

Audit Trail in Accounting software is made compulsory by MCA w.e.f 01.04.2023

Background: MCA by notification dated 24.03.2021, inserting provision in company (accounts) rule 2014 had made audit trail in accounting software mandatory with effect from 01.4.2021. Provision regarding audit trail may be read as follows: “every company which uses accounting software for maintaining its books of accounts shall use every such accounting software which has features … Read more

CARO 2020, Applicability and Format of Audit Report

  1.   Applicability of CARO, 2020 CARO 2020 is applicable to all companies including foreign companies. However, the following are the exceptions: The threshold limit for small companies has been revised recently through a press release dated 16th September 2022. The earlier threshold limit for share capital was INR 2 Crores and Gross turnover … Read more