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Ind AS -7 Statement of Cash flow

Objective of Ind AS-7

The objective of this Standard is to require information about the changes in cash and cash equivalents of an entity by means of a statement of cash flows which classifies cash flows during the period from operating, investing and financing activities.


An entity shall prepare a statement of cash flows in accordance with the requirements of this Standard and shall present it as an integral part of its financial statements for each period for which financial statements are presented

Benefits of cash flow information

-to evaluate the changes in net assets

-assessing the ability of the entity to generate cash and cash equivalents -enables users to develop models to assess and compare the present value of the future cash flows of different entities


Cash: comprises cash on hand and demand deposits.

Cash equivalents: are short-term, highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value. Therefore, an investment normally qualifies as a cash equivalent only when it has a short maturity of, say, three months or less from the date of acquisition. Equity investments are excluded from cash equivalents unless they are, in substance, cash equivalents, for example in the case of preference shares acquired within a short period of their maturity and with a specified redemption date.

Bank borrowings are generally considered to be financing activities. However, where bank overdrafts which are repayable on demand form an integral part of an entity’s cash management, bank overdrafts are included as a component of cash and cash equivalents. A characteristic of such banking arrangements is that the bank balance often fluctuates from being positive to overdrawn.

Operating activities are the principal revenue-producing activities of the entity and other activities that are not investing or financing activities.

Investing activities are the acquisition and disposal of long-term assets and other investments not included in cash equivalents.

Financing activities are activities that result in changes in the size and composition of the contributed equity and borrowings of the entity.

Presentation of a statement of cash flows

The statement of cash flows shall report cash flows during the period classified by operating, investing and financing activities.

Cash flows from operating activities are primarily derived from the principal revenue producing activities of the entity. Therefore, they generally result from the transactions and other events that enter into the determination of profit or loss. An entity shall report cash flows from operating activities using either:

a) the direct method, whereby major classes of gross cash receipts and gross cash payments are disclosed; or

(b) the indirect method, whereby profit or loss is adjusted for the effects of transactions of a non-cash nature, any deferrals or accruals of past or future operating cash receipts or payments, and items of income or expense associated with investing or financing cash flows.

Cash flows from Investing activities Only expenditures that result in a recognized asset in the balance sheet are eligible for classification as investing activities.

Cash flows from Financing activities: activity related to capital structure is covered under Financing activity

Foreign currency cash flows

Cash flows arising from transactions in a foreign currency shall be recorded in an entity’s functional currency by applying to the foreign currency amount the exchange rate between the functional currency and the foreign currency at the date of the cash flow.


The cash flows of a foreign subsidiary shall be translated at the exchange rates between the functional currency and the foreign currency at the dates of the cash flows.


Unrealised gains and losses arising from changes in foreign currency exchange rates are not cash flows. However, the effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents held or due in a foreign currency is reported in the statement of cash flows in order to reconcile cash and cash equivalents at the beginning and the end of the period.


This amount is presented separately from cash flows from operating, investing and financing activities and includes the differences, if any, had those cash flows been reported at end of period exchange rates.

Interest and dividends

Cash flows from interest and dividends received and paid shall each be disclosed separately. Cash flows arising from interest paid and interest and dividends received in the case of a financial institution should be classified as cash flows arising from operating activities.

 In the case of other entities, cash flows arising from interest paid should be classified as cash flows from financing activities while interest and dividends received should be classified as cash flows from investing activities.

Dividends paid should be classified as cash flows from financing activities.

Taxes on income

Cash flows arising from taxes on income shall be separately disclosed and shall be classified as cash flows from operating activities unless they can be specifically identified with financing and investing activities.

Investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures

When accounting for an investment in an associate, a joint venture or a subsidiary accounted for by use of the equity or cost method, an investor restricts its reporting in the statement of cash flows to the cash flows between itself and the investee, for example, to dividends and advances.


An entity that reports its interest in an associate or a joint venture using the equity method includes in its statement of cash flows the cash flows in respect of its investments in the associate or joint venture, and distributions and other payments or receipts between it and the associate or joint venture.

Components of cash and cash equivalents

In view of the variety of cash management practices and banking arrangements around the world and in order to comply with Ind AS 1, Presentation of Financial Statements, an entity discloses the policy which it adopts in determining the composition of cash and cash equivalents

An entity shall disclose the components of cash and cash equivalents and shall present a reconciliation of the amounts in its statement of cash flows with the equivalent items reported in the balance sheet.


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